Maya it up!

It's offical...I'm a blogger!

Friday, October 28, 2005

And now for the weekend...

-today i had lunch with elizabeth. she is such a blessing to my life. God truly brought her into my life at just the right time (his time). we knew eachother for only about 48 hours and a week later i was offering to go up to nashville and help her pack up her house and move down here. we just clicked. i never had any close girl friends growing up. i had my trust with girl friends broken numerous times growing up and so i didn't really trust other girls. and the girl friends i did have, i kept at a distance. but not with elizabeth. i was/am just an open book with her. and with being that way with her it has helped me to realize how important it is to have a close network of girl friends and thats its okay to be vaulnerable with them. anyway, lunch today was great. i'm REALLY going to miss those when she's gone. love you elizabeth!

-had blood work done last week and found out i have high cholesterol. both my parents have that and take medicine for it. i'm just trying to eat better and eat more oatmeal. (i'm munching on oatmeal squares cereal right now, which is actually really good!)

-when we were at the womans conference about two weekends ago i got prayed for by some powerful women of God. the main reason was to break the hold the enemy has over me with the whole stomach problem stuff. i've been doing better, but still hadn't riden in any cars with people. but tonight we went to a movie and dinner with our friend flynn and i did fine. GOD IS SO AWESOME. he is so bigger than the enemy and he has already won. i just have to walk out my faith. and that is hard to do, but tonight i actually did walk out my faith. the faith that God has healed me and set me free from all that. it's a start and it was great!

-movers put almost everything in the pod on thursday. they dropped off another pod today and tomorrow we are packing up the rest of the stuff. then we have to clean the house. final walk through is on sunday and then we close on monday. we're still at our house. we'll move in with the in-laws on sunday. it should be a fun time.

k. i'm going to bed. big day tomorrow. peace out yo. :)

Monday, October 24, 2005

The Craziest Week Has Started!

My mom helping to pack up the kitchen.

Cameron emptying out the attic.

WOW! So this is it. This is the last week we are going to be in our house. The pool table is getting moved tomorrow (it's going to the office for 2 months cuz we can't keep it in storage). The pod gets dropped off on Wednesday. The movers come at 10am on Thursday. We close on Monday, the 31st. We are moving on Thursday because we might have to get another pod so will need Friday-Sunday to take care of that. So I think it is safe to say that this is a busy week for us! :)

My mom helped get the whole kitchen boxed up today. The front rooms and bathroom are done. The attic has been emptied out so now I just need to go through all that. And the whole master bedroom/bathroom have to be boxed up still. And we have 48 hours to do it in! Honestly, I'd rather have it this way. No need to draw the process out.

Also, our new house is finally moving forward again! The house is painted, the front stairs/sidewalks/driveway are poured, electrical has started and we are about a week away from drywall. The builder said once drywall goes in it's 30-60 days before you close. We're aiming for the end of December.

Love ya all!


Thursday, October 13, 2005

Our House Has Sold!

Well that went fast! :) Here's the timeline...

Friday (10/7/05) our house went up on the website. Wednesday (10/12/05) our real sign got put outside our house. Thursday (10/13/05) we had our first showing at 6:15pm. By 9:30pm we had sold our house for our asking price! AND they need to close ASAP. We will meet tomorrow morning, but are thinking we'll close on Monday (10/31/05). That is just over two weeks away.

Hold on a second. I need a minute to breath! :)

I'm excited to have sold our house so fast so that 1. we don't have to do anymore showings (it takes time to get your house ready to show) and 2. we won't have to deal with selling a house and also closing on our new house at the same time. It really is a blessing. Of course this is the first house Cameron and I had together so it is a little sad.

"Everything happens in Gods timing" seems to really be an important lesson I have been learning lately. I must say the selling of this house and the timeline to moveout is definitely another one of those lessons. But God is in control. Isn't it great to know that!

Anyway, just wanted to share.

Now we all have to pray for Elizabeths house to sell just as quick.

Love you all!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


camerons weird habit...stuffing food wrappers into the couch cushions. i just pulled out a brown paper bag that use to have chipotle chips in it out of the couch cushions. it is the oddest thing ever. cracks me up.

mckenzies weird habit...if you have bad breath or breath that smells like any kind of food she'll get really close to your mouth and sniff. funniest thing i've ever seen my dog do. so far that is. :)

what weird habits do you or your loved ones do? anyone wanta share? hee hee! :)


According to my mom I've always twirled my hair. I use to suck my thumb and twirl my hair with my night-night as I feel asleep as a kid.

My first memory of twirling my hair was when I was in sixth grade taking a history test. My teacher called me out in the middle of the test in a silent room and told me to stop twirling my hair! Ever since then I've been "aware" that I twirl my hair. I'm now 26 years old and my twirling habit is still going strong. I can twirl it with amazing speed. I do my best twirling with my left hand. Basicly because I write with my right so when I'm reading, writing, etc... I twirl with my left hand. However, I do switch it up sometimes. I twirl when I'm bored, focused, tired, thinking, driving watching tv/ name it I can twirl my hair during it. Thing is, I twirl my hair so much that it breaks my hair and makes it uneven. I've tried to stop. I'll put my hair up and then I start to twirl the hairs that fall down in the back. I mean COME ON..who does that? :)

Family and friends have made it their mission to tell me to stop anytime they see me start twirling. I've made it my new years resolution and said a million times that "on monday I'll stop twirling," but that goes out the window on the drive to work. And that's where I'm at with it. I stopped sucking my thumb when I was 9 years old (i had to get a mouth piece that had spikes sticking out over the roof of my mouth). We'll see how long it'll take me to finally stop twirling my hair. The journey continues...

(oh and i was twirling my hair the whole time i wrote this blog)

Saturday, October 08, 2005

house for sale...

we put our house on the market this week. (

hoping it well sell fast! our new house is at LEAST two months away from being done. we'll probably end of living with camerons parents for a month or so. we'll see.

our new house has sat almost still for 11 weeks now. AHHH! so we left them a message today that we need to meet next week. they were suppose to finish our siding, paint our house and start electrical this week. and once again they did not do what they said they would. so now we're going to be the squicky wheel cuz that always seems to get things going. so...builder get ready to hear from us a lot until our house gets moving.

besides that...mckenzie is cuter than ever, my friend becky has adopted our cat jerry and has turned him into the nicest cat ever!, cameron loves to eat the precut fruit bowls from publix, i have an obsession with eating really bad lately (reeses' cups and cokes are awesome!), i desperately want to get over my fear of flying and riding in cars with others (oct. 15 will be one year since all my fun stomach stuff started), i'm dancing at my mother-in-laws conference next weekend, gators won today (5-1), vickings are not doing so good (1-3), not pregnant yet (been over a year now, Gods timing not mine), i've been SO moodly lately and i'm sick of myself, have not been good at going to church lately (i need to spend more time with the Lord. it is so important)...

thank you Lord for everyone in my life. bless them and keep them close to you at all times. thank you!

later peeps. i need to go find a coke! :)