Maya it up!

It's offical...I'm a blogger!

Monday, May 29, 2006

a few things...

i started clomid on sunday. i've been a little emotional about it for some reason. not real sure why. but, i am excited about it. a little nervous. it changes from minute to minute. cameron reminded me that God has promised us a child. i needed to hear that. i need to stand in faith on that.

anyway, we've had a good memorial day. i finished my office at home this weekend. i painted it and got a few accent pieces. i like it.

oh, we had a lost party this past week. here are a few pictures:

LOST cake (obviously homemade) :)

The OTHERS (i'm on the right and i was the leader of the others...which we found out was actually not the leader)

Chris as SYIAD

Jeremy as LOCKE. He won the costume party.

Tyler (jacks dad) and Nick (jack on the plane)

Thursday, May 25, 2006

it's time...

i went in for an ultrasound this morning. i have to go back on sunday morning for another one cuz i wasn't at the point yet to start clomid today. so it looks like sunday i'll get to start it. from what i've read i'll take it for about 4 days and then will ovulate about 5-8 days later.

so we're excited for this next step to be here towards us getting pregnant.

hope everyone is wonderful. love you all!


Friday, May 12, 2006

Another 2 year old!

Our godson Elijah Kinsley is turning 2 on Sunday. What a great Mothers Day present for Becky! Love you Eli!

4 years

Wednesday was our 4 year anniversary. Here is a picture of us on our 3rd. Love you Cameron!


crazy that owen is now 2! here are few pictures i found of him turning 1...