Maya it up!

It's offical...I'm a blogger!

Thursday, April 27, 2006


today i had a chocolate craving and i gave in. i didn't just slightly give in. i dove into as much chocolate as i could find. 5 chocolate covered gummy worms (the best thing ever!), chocolate covered cookie, chocolate covered marshmellow and two reses peanut butter cups. dang it...i had done so good all week and then BAM. all i can do is just shake my head at myself. maybe next week will go better.

Friday, April 21, 2006

The surgery was a success! The doctor was able to successfully open both of my fallopian tubes. The surgery was not as bad as I thought it would be and I am feeling way better than I thought I would be. I have not had to take any pain medicine! The incision on my belly button is pretty sore and I do kind of walk funny at first (cuz standing straight up streches it out). The most annoying thing is the gas they put in my stomach is having to absorb into my body (or something like that) and I have this dull pain in my collarbones and ribs. They said it should go away in about 48 hours which would be by the end of the day. So all in all I am doing really well. Thank you so much for your prayers! I go in for a check up in two weeks and then I think they'll start me on clomid which will make me ovulate more regularly (i many things i may get them mixed up!). :)

I'm hungry. Maybe I'll venture out and grab some lunch. I can operate heavy machinery now...aka my car.

Love ya all!


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

oh...I am finally reading again! This is a big deal for me. I love to buy books. I usually read a chapter or two and then move on. It takes a really good book to keep my attention. I'm actually reading Falling Into Love which just came out on Relevant. and I read the first few pages of Blue Like Jazz by Don Miller. it looks like one i'll enjoy too. yeah for reading! any good book suggestions?
Tomorrow at 1pm is my procedure. I go in at 11am. The surgery is at 1pm. It should take about an hour and a half. Then I'll recover in the recovery room and go home. I've taken Thursday and Friday off of work to get better.

I am actually feeling pretty good about the whole thing. Probably because once it is done we can start to have some babies!

Your prayers are much needed please. I am praying for a safe and successful surgery and for Gods peace to continue to be over me through this process.

Love you all!


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My procedure will be next Wednesday the 17th at 1pm. Below is what they will be doing to me. Both of my tubes are blocked. I'm actually really excited cuz that means we are one step closer to having babies! More to come later...

Laparoscopy is an outpatient surgical procedure to view the pelvic organs by using a small, lighted telescope (laparoscope) inserted through the abdomen at the belly button. This procedure is used to diagnose and treat problems such as blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, or adhesions (scar tissue) all of which may impact fertility.

A laparoscopy is performed under general anesthesia. After you are asleep, a needle is inserted through your belly button and the abdomen is filled with carbon dioxide gas. The gas pushes the internal organs away from the abdominal wall so the telescope and any necessary instruments can be used in the cavity to treat your condition.

When surgery is complete, the gas is removed from your abdomen, the incisions are closed, and you are taken to the recovery room. When the effects of anesthesia have worn off you may return home and continue your recovery for a few days prior to resuming activity and work. A two-week post-operative follow-up appointment will be scheduled prior to surgery.