The Craziest Week Has Started!
My mom helping to pack up the kitchen.

Cameron emptying out the attic.

WOW! So this is it. This is the last week we are going to be in our house. The pool table is getting moved tomorrow (it's going to the office for 2 months cuz we can't keep it in storage). The pod gets dropped off on Wednesday. The movers come at 10am on Thursday. We close on Monday, the 31st. We are moving on Thursday because we might have to get another pod so will need Friday-Sunday to take care of that. So I think it is safe to say that this is a busy week for us! :)
My mom helped get the whole kitchen boxed up today. The front rooms and bathroom are done. The attic has been emptied out so now I just need to go through all that. And the whole master bedroom/bathroom have to be boxed up still. And we have 48 hours to do it in! Honestly, I'd rather have it this way. No need to draw the process out.
Also, our new house is finally moving forward again! The house is painted, the front stairs/sidewalks/driveway are poured, electrical has started and we are about a week away from drywall. The builder said once drywall goes in it's 30-60 days before you close. We're aiming for the end of December.
Love ya all!

Cameron emptying out the attic.

WOW! So this is it. This is the last week we are going to be in our house. The pool table is getting moved tomorrow (it's going to the office for 2 months cuz we can't keep it in storage). The pod gets dropped off on Wednesday. The movers come at 10am on Thursday. We close on Monday, the 31st. We are moving on Thursday because we might have to get another pod so will need Friday-Sunday to take care of that. So I think it is safe to say that this is a busy week for us! :)
My mom helped get the whole kitchen boxed up today. The front rooms and bathroom are done. The attic has been emptied out so now I just need to go through all that. And the whole master bedroom/bathroom have to be boxed up still. And we have 48 hours to do it in! Honestly, I'd rather have it this way. No need to draw the process out.
Also, our new house is finally moving forward again! The house is painted, the front stairs/sidewalks/driveway are poured, electrical has started and we are about a week away from drywall. The builder said once drywall goes in it's 30-60 days before you close. We're aiming for the end of December.
Love ya all!
At 11:12 AM,
mommy zabs said…
YAY! Crazy you have 48 hours to pack????? I wish i could be more help :( Especailly considering all you did for our last 2 moves! I'm so excited for you guys, your house is looking so beautiful. :) Fun times.
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