According to my mom I've always twirled my hair. I use to suck my thumb and twirl my hair with my night-night as I feel asleep as a kid.
My first memory of twirling my hair was when I was in sixth grade taking a history test. My teacher called me out in the middle of the test in a silent room and told me to stop twirling my hair! Ever since then I've been "aware" that I twirl my hair. I'm now 26 years old and my twirling habit is still going strong. I can twirl it with amazing speed. I do my best twirling with my left hand. Basicly because I write with my right so when I'm reading, writing, etc... I twirl with my left hand. However, I do switch it up sometimes. I twirl when I'm bored, focused, tired, thinking, driving watching tv/ name it I can twirl my hair during it. Thing is, I twirl my hair so much that it breaks my hair and makes it uneven. I've tried to stop. I'll put my hair up and then I start to twirl the hairs that fall down in the back. I mean COME ON..who does that? :)
Family and friends have made it their mission to tell me to stop anytime they see me start twirling. I've made it my new years resolution and said a million times that "on monday I'll stop twirling," but that goes out the window on the drive to work. And that's where I'm at with it. I stopped sucking my thumb when I was 9 years old (i had to get a mouth piece that had spikes sticking out over the roof of my mouth). We'll see how long it'll take me to finally stop twirling my hair. The journey continues...
(oh and i was twirling my hair the whole time i wrote this blog)
My first memory of twirling my hair was when I was in sixth grade taking a history test. My teacher called me out in the middle of the test in a silent room and told me to stop twirling my hair! Ever since then I've been "aware" that I twirl my hair. I'm now 26 years old and my twirling habit is still going strong. I can twirl it with amazing speed. I do my best twirling with my left hand. Basicly because I write with my right so when I'm reading, writing, etc... I twirl with my left hand. However, I do switch it up sometimes. I twirl when I'm bored, focused, tired, thinking, driving watching tv/ name it I can twirl my hair during it. Thing is, I twirl my hair so much that it breaks my hair and makes it uneven. I've tried to stop. I'll put my hair up and then I start to twirl the hairs that fall down in the back. I mean COME ON..who does that? :)
Family and friends have made it their mission to tell me to stop anytime they see me start twirling. I've made it my new years resolution and said a million times that "on monday I'll stop twirling," but that goes out the window on the drive to work. And that's where I'm at with it. I stopped sucking my thumb when I was 9 years old (i had to get a mouth piece that had spikes sticking out over the roof of my mouth). We'll see how long it'll take me to finally stop twirling my hair. The journey continues...
(oh and i was twirling my hair the whole time i wrote this blog)
At 12:59 PM,
mommy zabs said…
That is so funny. Now how do you twirl while you type, that is an amazing talent if you ask me.
I have heard you talk about this before, but never actually noticed it myself! But then again my mom always did this too so i probably just don't notice twirling.
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