And now for the weekend...
-today i had lunch with elizabeth. she is such a blessing to my life. God truly brought her into my life at just the right time (his time). we knew eachother for only about 48 hours and a week later i was offering to go up to nashville and help her pack up her house and move down here. we just clicked. i never had any close girl friends growing up. i had my trust with girl friends broken numerous times growing up and so i didn't really trust other girls. and the girl friends i did have, i kept at a distance. but not with elizabeth. i was/am just an open book with her. and with being that way with her it has helped me to realize how important it is to have a close network of girl friends and thats its okay to be vaulnerable with them. anyway, lunch today was great. i'm REALLY going to miss those when she's gone. love you elizabeth!
-had blood work done last week and found out i have high cholesterol. both my parents have that and take medicine for it. i'm just trying to eat better and eat more oatmeal. (i'm munching on oatmeal squares cereal right now, which is actually really good!)
-when we were at the womans conference about two weekends ago i got prayed for by some powerful women of God. the main reason was to break the hold the enemy has over me with the whole stomach problem stuff. i've been doing better, but still hadn't riden in any cars with people. but tonight we went to a movie and dinner with our friend flynn and i did fine. GOD IS SO AWESOME. he is so bigger than the enemy and he has already won. i just have to walk out my faith. and that is hard to do, but tonight i actually did walk out my faith. the faith that God has healed me and set me free from all that. it's a start and it was great!
-movers put almost everything in the pod on thursday. they dropped off another pod today and tomorrow we are packing up the rest of the stuff. then we have to clean the house. final walk through is on sunday and then we close on monday. we're still at our house. we'll move in with the in-laws on sunday. it should be a fun time.
k. i'm going to bed. big day tomorrow. peace out yo. :)
-had blood work done last week and found out i have high cholesterol. both my parents have that and take medicine for it. i'm just trying to eat better and eat more oatmeal. (i'm munching on oatmeal squares cereal right now, which is actually really good!)
-when we were at the womans conference about two weekends ago i got prayed for by some powerful women of God. the main reason was to break the hold the enemy has over me with the whole stomach problem stuff. i've been doing better, but still hadn't riden in any cars with people. but tonight we went to a movie and dinner with our friend flynn and i did fine. GOD IS SO AWESOME. he is so bigger than the enemy and he has already won. i just have to walk out my faith. and that is hard to do, but tonight i actually did walk out my faith. the faith that God has healed me and set me free from all that. it's a start and it was great!
-movers put almost everything in the pod on thursday. they dropped off another pod today and tomorrow we are packing up the rest of the stuff. then we have to clean the house. final walk through is on sunday and then we close on monday. we're still at our house. we'll move in with the in-laws on sunday. it should be a fun time.
k. i'm going to bed. big day tomorrow. peace out yo. :)
At 7:14 AM,
mommy zabs said…
You words are so sweet. It was a God thing for sure. This year didn't quite go the way we all expected, but that can't change our friendship :) You will just HAVE to get over the plane thing so you can visit me in Ohio :) And you'll have to meet up with me in West Palm when the condo is done too!
Love you!
Happy for your move and easy sell of the house!
At 7:52 PM,
Mommynurse said…
Congrats on having your house sold! I'm sure it is such a relief. Now you will get to enjoy a couple of months with very little household responsiblities--playtime!
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