Maya it up!

It's offical...I'm a blogger!

Monday, June 19, 2006

a few pictures

Tia's cake is on the left (she loves owen wilson). Mine is on the right (i love Cameron Edward Strang). We have fun in cake class.

Tias birthday. We went to GatorLand with a bunch of friends to celebrate!

Here are some of the gators. Icky!

Birthday dinner at Cafe Tu Tu Tango!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

can anyone see this?

for some reason i can't see my blog on any computers????

Friday, June 09, 2006

baker barker bakke bakery

so for awhile now i've wanted to open a day that is. today cara mentioned that she wants to open one one day too. so if we open one together it will be called "The Baker Barker Bakke Bakery" which comes from "cara's maiden name, the nick name i use to call her, my maiden name and then bakery cuz it'll be a bakery." we are just so clever! :)

anyway, tonight i start my cake decorating classes. yippy!

have a great weekend!


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

here we go

WARNING: Girly details below.

i went in yesterday morning for an ultrasound. they needed to check the size of my eggs and the clomid did it's job! the doctor was very happy with my results. my lining is a little thin so i am taking some estrogen for 3 days which will help build that up. tonight i have to give myself a shot of hcg which will release the egg. (i think) then on friday i start to take progesteron which i do until i find out if i'm pregnant. this will help promote the pregnancy i'm told.

lots of steps, but this is nothing compared to the other ways of getting pregnant.

i have actually been feeling overwhelmed with all the steps of getting pregnant with help, but i became very encouraged yesterday when i was told that everything looks good and was working like it should. God has been my strength through this. Amazing. i don't's hard to describe it if you haven't been through it.

so, i'll talk to you all soon.

love ya!