House moving forward!
We have drywall! It is the most beautiful drywall I have ever seen. (okay...maybe not) It is so cool to see the actual rooms of our future house. They are still telling us we'll move in in March, but Cameron and I are praying to get in in February. We've got a ways to go, but we are so happy that we are finally making some progress.
I just joined the Winter Park YMCA. It is about 15 minutes from work (25 minutes from our current living space), but only 5 minutes from our future home. I've been twice and I absolutely LOVE it. I've done cardio (all the machines have their own tvs in front of them to watch) and I had my training session today (it's free for new members) which showed me how to use this computer system which tracks all of my reps/etc. on the machines. It is so cool! They also have great workout classes which I am very excited to take. I can also go to the Crosby Center YMCA which is at the Winter Park FL Hospital down the street. They use it as a rehab center, but all the W.P. YMCA members can go there and use everything. Totally cool. If you can't tell, I am so excited to be working out again. Yippy!
Lots more, but I'll save for another post.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that 2006 holds many blessings for you and your families.
I just joined the Winter Park YMCA. It is about 15 minutes from work (25 minutes from our current living space), but only 5 minutes from our future home. I've been twice and I absolutely LOVE it. I've done cardio (all the machines have their own tvs in front of them to watch) and I had my training session today (it's free for new members) which showed me how to use this computer system which tracks all of my reps/etc. on the machines. It is so cool! They also have great workout classes which I am very excited to take. I can also go to the Crosby Center YMCA which is at the Winter Park FL Hospital down the street. They use it as a rehab center, but all the W.P. YMCA members can go there and use everything. Totally cool. If you can't tell, I am so excited to be working out again. Yippy!
Lots more, but I'll save for another post.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that 2006 holds many blessings for you and your families.
At 7:54 AM,
mommy zabs said…
I'm so glad your house is moving a long.
I have always wondered what that Y by the hospital was! AHHHHH i can't wait to be back in a work out routine in life.
Love you! MISS YOU!
At 6:05 PM,
katie said…
Hi Maya! I'm so glad to hear the house is moving along!! It will be so fabulous when you are in your new place, with new everything, 5 minutes from your new gym. yea! You will be moved in before you know it!! I'm excited to be in the blogging world & I can't wait for hip hop to start up again! Dutch Blitz soon?
At 7:49 PM,
Hydro74Girl said…
congrats on the house. maybe we can meet up at the y sometime and work out together
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